What Does Chicory Coffee Taste Like?

What Does Chicory Coffee Taste Like?

Are you curious about this whole chicory coffee thing? I was just like you 10 years ago when a happy accident caused me to stumble upon this weird yet wonderful drink. Of course, I was skeptical (I was a coffee fanatic) but it truly changed my life.

When I drank my first cup of chicory coffee, I had so many questions. As funny as it sounds I sat there thinking "what does chicory coffee taste like?" for about 2 minutes before I took a sip.

To tell you the truth, I was nervous. I wish I had someone that could've told me what to expect, so, I figured I'd be that person for all of your curious guys and gals out there.

what chicory coffee tastes like

What Is Chicory Coffee?

As you can probably gather, it's made from the chicory plant (specifically, the roots). It is then roasted, ground and finally brewed to create a drink akin to coffee.

Now, the question is: does it actually work? The short answer is yes, it does. However, you probably want specifics (I certainly did), so let's crack on with that.

What Does Chicory Coffee Taste Like?

I can feel your skepticism through the screen right now as you scoff the idea that something could ever replace your best friend coffee. But, I urge you to give it a chance.

It doesn't taste exactly like coffee because it isn't coffee. However, it does taste incredibly similar. So much so that, if you aren't a coffee aficionado, you probably can't tell the difference.

Usually, chicory coffee has rich, roasted notes in the foreground, followed by some nutty tones. However, the best way to tell if your cup is true chicory is if it has woody and herbal flavors. You might even taste cherries but this largely depends on the brand.

So, Is Chicory Coffee Bitter?

Yes, slightly. I wouldn't say it contains any more bitterness than your average cup of coffee. Then again, this depends on the brand of coffee you're used to drinking I suppose.

How Can You Alter the Taste of Chicory Coffee?

So far, I have only been talking about plain ol' chicory coffee (i.e. drinking it black). However, I'm not going to neglect the fact that some people have creamer, sugar or milk in their usual cup of coffee and might want to transfer this to their newly found chicory habit.

While black chicory coffee is great for me since I know I'm getting all the health benefits from it, you can add creamers if you wish. This will dramatically dial down the bitterness and therefore, be more palatable for most people.

Plus, you can pour in some sugar or honey to give it a boost of sweetness and take the edge off slightly. Or, just add some milk for the same effect as the creamer.

Essentially, put whatever you like into it and determine whether you like the result!

My Favorite Blend

For those that haven't yet bought some chicory coffee to try, I urge you to purchase Rasa Adaptogenic Herbal Coffee. It's everything you could ever want from a hot beverage in the morning.

Rasa's chicory coffee tastes delicious. Seriously, it's like your mouth is bathing in a sweet bath of gorgeous, liquid silk.

Not to mention that you get a boatload of health improvements from it such as a protected liver, boosted digestive system, regulated blood pressure and so much more.

Chicory Coffee Tastes Like...

Is chicory coffee bitter? Somewhat.

Is it tasty black? The one I use is

Can you add milk, sugar, or creamer? Absolutely.

Overall, you can't get much better than a tasty drink that makes you healthier, right?